ok..just nak share my experience regarding my interview
at DCA (department civil aviation) at ipoh
first of all Alhamdulillah sebab dpt chance pi sini
mmg best staff sume sporting tpi interviewer sgt strict ok
makan pon sedap mcm kenduri kawen jer
its a brunch breakfast+lunch
atc is an air traffic controller
the scope is mcm polis traffic just dia responsible for traffic at airspace
communicate ngn pilot etc
wat blind test..so x kesah korang ade rabun jauh or dekat
infact aku pon specky ok
lebih kurang mcm nie..kalau korang ade lesen confirm pernah buat
kalo x pass stage nie x boleh mara ke stage brikutnyer tao!!!
ok..korang akan diberi script between pilot n controller
so korang akn masuk 1 room with your partner
and ade 2 panel yg akan interview korang
1st just baca script tue dgn partner korang
tang sini dy akn tnye script tu pasal ape..all the term use
of course all the jargon words related to aviation kene tao ek
and of course aku x dapat jawab,...hahaha
then dia akan bagi 1 text..aku dapat pasal airbus
pas2 same gak process tdi akn berulang
sesi tanya menanya
kalo korang malang dia akan tanya topic luar dri text tersebut
just jawab dgn confident and use simple english
jangan jdi mcm aku gabra x sudah
korang akan divide dlm 6-8 per group
depends on staff
dalam nie korang akan diberi 5 topics
pick one..select a leader
and suka hati korang nak conduct discussion tu mcm mane
sape nak oppos or agree
part nie x gabra sgt sbb ramai kan..
jangan korang dok diam sampai kesudah
tips tok PAC or program assessment centre nie
jgn gabra
make sure wat homework pasal aviation
make sure u are excellent in english!!!
ok tue jer
nanti i update pasal my vacation at terengganu